86 research outputs found

    Dense Wide-Baseline Stereo with Varying Illumination and its Application to Face Recognition

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    We study the problem of dense wide baseline stereo with varying illumination. We are motivated by the problem of face recognition across pose. Stereo matching allows us to compare face images based on physically valid, dense correspondences. We show that the stereo matching cost provides a very robust measure of the similarity of faces that is insensitive to pose variations. We build on the observation that most illumination insensitive local comparisons require the use of relatively large windows. The size of these windows is affected by foreshortening. If we do not account for this effect, we incur misalignments that are systematic and significant and are exacerbated by wide baseline conditions. We present a general formulation of dense wide baseline stereo with varying illumination and provide two methods to solve them. The first method is based on dynamic programming (DP) and fully accounts for the effect of slant. The second method is based on graph cuts (GC) and fully accounts for the effect of both slant and tilt. The GC method finds a global solution using the unary function from the general formulation and a novel smoothness term that encodes surface orientation. Our experiments show that DP dense wide baseline stereo achieves superior performance compared to existing methods in face recognition across pose. The experiments with the GC method show that accounting for both slant and tilt can improve performance in situations with wide baselines and lighting variation. Our formulation can be applied to other more sophisticated window based image comparison methods for stereo

    Our ten years of work on transparet box business simulation

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    Traditional business games are of the so-called black-box type (BBBS=Black box business simulator); that is to say, the internal structure which generates the results of the simulation after decision-making is not known. As a result, the player normally operates by trial and error and bases his decisions on the symptoms of the problem (the observed behaviors of the system's variables) and not on the real causes of the problem (the system's structure). Since 1988 José A.D. Machuca has insisted that the business games based on System Dynamics models should be Transparent-box business simulators (TBBSs). That means that, during the game, the user has access to the structure of the underlying model and is able to relate it to the observed behaviors. The hypothesis is that such transparency would facilitate causal reflection and favor systemic learning of business problems. In 1990, the G.I.D.E.A.O. Research Group took action on this idea and centered one of its lines of research on this matter, with three main objectives: a) Creation of TBBSs, b) Introduction of TBBSs in undergraduate and graduate Management courses as well as in executive training, c) Experimentation in controlled environments in order to test the hypothesis mentioned in the above paragraph. Now, ten years after the birth of the idea, we would like to share in this paper the results obtained during that period

    Propuesta de anteproyecto de 450 metros lineales de Estructura de pavimento rígido en barrio lomas de San Judas D-III del municipio de Managua, 2017

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    El presente trabajo investigativo tiene como objetivo el ante propuesta de un diseño geométrico, carpeta de rodamiento con pavimento rígido, resistente a la carga de tráfico que será inducido por otras arterias de calles cercanas a dicho proyecto para todo esto se proyecta para un periodo de vida útil en 20 años en la calle principal del barrio lomas de san judas, localizado en el D-III del municipio de Managua, (PLANTEL DE BATAHOLA 2017). Sobre el conocimiento adquirido en la facultad con el departamento de construcción carrera de ingeniería civil de la UNAN–MANAGU

    Interactive learning in higher education through websites. An empirical study

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    Cada vez son más las asignaturas de educación superior que emplean la web como medio para crear lo que se ha venido a denominar aulas virtuales de formación. En nuestro caso, desde hace ya muchos años las empleamos en cuatro asignaturas que se imparten en la Universidad de Sevilla. En este artículo presentamos un estudio empírico relativo al uso de las aulas virtuales y su incidencia en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje.More and more Higher Education courses are using websites ir order to create virtual classrooms. We have been working with these websites in four courses of the University of Seville for some years. In this paper, we show an empirical study related to the use of virtual classrooms and its influence in teaching and learning processes

    Early statin use is an independent predictor of long-term graft survival

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    Background. Statin use in renal transplantation has been associated with a lower risk of patient death but not with an improvement of graft functional survival. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of statin use in graft survival, death-censored graft survival and patient survival using the data recorded on the Spanish Late Allograft Dysfunction Study Group

    Initiation of ovarian stimulation independent of the menstrual cycle (random-start) in an oocyte donation programme a large, single-center experience

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    Research Question Do live birth rates differ between recipients matched with donors using conventional ovarian stimulation versus those using random-start protocols? Design Retrospective analysis of 891 ovarian stimulations in egg donors (January-December 2018) and clinical outcomes in matched recipients (n=935). Donors commenced ovarian stimulation on day 1/3 of the menstrual cycle (n=223) or in the mid/late-follicular (n=388) or luteal phase (n=280) under a conventional antagonist protocol. Live birth rate of matched recipients was the main outcome. Results Duration of stimulation and total gonadotropins dose were comparable between conventional versus random-start groups. The number of collected eggs were also similar: 17.6±8.8 vs 17.2±8.5, p=0.6, respectively. Sub-group analysis showed an increased stimulation length (10.2±1.8 vs 9.8±1.7 vs 10.4±1.7, p<0.001) and gonadotropin consumption (2041.5±645.3 vs 2003.2±647.3 vs 2158.2±685.7 IU, p=0.01) in the luteal phase group vs the mid/late follicular and conventional groups; respectively. In matched recipients receiving fresh oocytes and undergoing fresh embryo transfer, the biochemical pregnancy (63.8% and 63.3%; p=0.9), clinical pregnancy (54.6% and 56.1%; p=0.8) and live birth rates (47.7% and 46.6%; p=0.7) per embryo-transfer were similar between conventional versus random groups. Similar results were obtained in recipients receiving vitrified eggs. Euploidy rate was also comparable. Conclusions There were no notable variations in clinical outcomes using oocytes obtained from random-start protocols and those proceeding from conventional ovarian stimulation in oocyte donation treatments. However, luteal-phase stimulation seems to require longer stimulation and higher FSH consumption. Our results indicate that random-start stimulation strategy does not impair the potential of the oocyte yield or clinical outcomes in oocyte donation cycles

    Percepción de riesgo, automedicación, mitos y creencias relacionados con COVID-19 entre jefes de hogar peruanos

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    Introducción: a más de un año del inicio de la pandemia COVID-19, el número de contagiados y muertes aúnpresenta frecuencias que escapan al control de manejo hospitalario. Aunado al temor, se acrecentó la apariciónde mitos, creencias, automedicación e inadecuada percepción de riesgo en la población. Objetivo: identificar lapercepción de riesgo, automedicación, mitos y creencias de prevención respecto al COVID-19 en adultos jefesde hogar del distrito Gregorio Albarracín de Tacna en el 2020. Material y métodos: se aplicó una encuesta auna muestra representativa de 250 jefes de hogar, residentes en el distrito Gregorio Albarracín. Resultados: elpromedio total del grupo en percepción del riesgo expresado en porcentaje fue de 60,96 % (59,81-62,11) de un totalde probable esperado ideal de 100 %. La percepción de “estar en riesgo en la pandemia” es baja. Solo el 15,20 %acató el aislamiento domiciliario estricto cuando fue indicado. El 14,8 % se automedicaba y en este grupo, losproductos usados fueron Ivermectina (48,6 %) y dióxido de cloro (45,9 %). Los mitos y creencias más frecuentesfueron “rociarse con alcohol o cloro mata el virus” y “los remedios caseros pueden curar o prevenir el coronavirus”.Hubo diferencia según edad (p&lt;0,05), nivel de instrucción (p&lt;0,001). Conclusiones: la automedicación estuvofuertemente asociada con elevada percepción de riesgo (p&lt;0,001) y presencia de mitos y creencias (p&lt;0,001). Elnivel de instrucción estuvo altamente asociado con la presencia de mitos y creencias (p&lt;0,001)Introdução: Mais de um ano após o início da pandemia COVID 19, o número de infectados e mortes ainda administra frequências que estão fora de controle. Além do medo, teria aumentado o surgimento de mitos, crenças, automedicação e percepção inadequada de risco na população. Objetivo: Identificar a percepção de risco, automedicação, mitos e crenças de prevenção da COVID 19 em adultos chefes de família do distrito Gregorio Albarracín de Tacna em 2020. Material e Método: Estudo observacional, transversal, prospectivo. Trabalhamos com uma amostra representativa de 250 chefes de família, residentes no bairro Gregorio Albarracín. Resultados: A média total do grupo em percepção de risco expressa em porcentagem foi de 60,96% (59,81-62,11) de um total de provável ideal esperado de 100%. A tendência é o risco de ficar assintomático ou não ter sinais, mas que a afetação emocional seja alta. Apenas 15,20% cumpriam o isolamento domiciliar rígido quando indicado. 14,8% se automedicaram e, nesse grupo, os produtos utilizados foram ivermectina (48,6%) e dióxido de cloro (45,9%). Os mitos e crenças mais frequentes eram "borrifar álcool ou cloro mata o vírus" "remédios caseiros podem curar ou prevenir o coronavírus". Houve diferença de acordo com a idade (p: &lt;0,05) e a escolaridade (p: 0,00). Conclusões: A automedicação esteve fortemente associada à percepção de baixo risco (p: 0,00), presença de mitos e crenças (p: 0,00) e escolaridade (p: 000)Introduction: More than a year after the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of infections and deaths is still beyond the control of hospital management. In addition to fear, myths, beliefs, self-medication and inadequate risk perception in the population have increased. Objective: To identify the perception of risk, self-medication, myths and prevention beliefs regarding COVID-19 in adult heads of household in the Gregorio Albarracín district of Tacna in 2020. Method: A survey was administered to a representative sample of 250 heads of household, residing in the Gregorio Albarracín district. Results: The total average of the group in risk perception expressed as a percentage was 60.96% (59.81-62.11) out of a total expected ideal of 100%. The perception of "being at risk in the pandemic" is low. Only 15.20% adhered to strict home isolation when instructed to do so. The 14.8% self-medicated and in this group, the products used were ivermectin (48.6%) and chlorine dioxide (45.9%). The most frequent myths and beliefs were "spraying with alcohol or chlorine kills the virus" "home remedies can cure or prevent coronavirus" and there was difference according to age (p&lt;0.05), educational level (p&lt;0.001). Conclusions: Self-medication was strongly associated with high-risk perception (p&lt;0.001) and presence of myths and beliefs (p&lt;0.001). Educational level was highly associated with the presence of myths and beliefs (p&lt;0.001)

    Paciente con tuberculosis pulmonar y COVID-19: aplicación del proceso de cuidado enfermero en un hospital nacional peruano

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    Se realizó un estudio de caso en un paciente adulto mayor con diagnóstico médico de tuberculosis pulmonar y COVID-19. Objetivo: Brindar cuidado de enfermería a una persona adulto mayor con tuberculosis pulmonar y COVID-19 en un hospital nacional peruano. Material y métodos: La información se recolectó utilizando como técnica la observación, la entrevista y el examen físico; el instrumento fue el formato de valoración de los once Patrones Funcionales de Gordon. El lugar fue en el Servicio de Medicina del Hospital II Banda Shilcayo de Tarapoto. Se solicitó la autorización y consentimiento informado al paciente. Se brindó cuidado enfermero aplicando las etapas del proceso de enfermería, utilizando las taxonomías NANDA-NOC-NIC, así como los resultados e intervenciones. Resultados: Los diagnósticos priorizados fueron; deterioro del intercambio de gases, dolor agudo, hipertermia, estreñimiento y desequilibrio nutricional: ingesta inferior a las necesidades. Conclusiones: El primer diagnóstico enfermero no se logró en su totalidad con los resultados esperados, ya que es un problema asociado a una tuberculosis pulmonar y COVID-19. El segundo, dolor agudo, se logró en un 100 % con los resultados esperados. Mientras que el tercer, cuarto y quinto diagnóstico de enfermería tuvieron una puntuación de tres, cuatro, respectivamente. Lo que se evidencia que fue favorable la atención de enfermería brindada al paciente por lo que se encontró una mejoría en su estado de salud

    Birth weight and blood lipid levels in Spanish adolescents: Influence of selected APOE, APOC3 and PPARgamma2 gene polymorphisms. The AVENA Study

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    Es reproducción del documento publicado en http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1471-2350-9-98Background: There is increasing evidence indicating that genes involved in certain metabolic processes of cardiovascular diseases may be of particular influence in people with low body weight at birth. We examined whether the apolipoprotein (APO) E, APOC3 and the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma-2 (PPAR gamma 2) polymorphisms influence the association between low birth weight and blood lipid levels in healthy adolescents aged 13-18.5 years. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 502 Spanish adolescents born at term was conducted. Total (TC) and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLc), triglycerides (TG), apolipoprotein (apo) A and B, and lipoprotein(a) [ Lp(a)] were measured. Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLc), TC-HDLc, TC/HDLc and apoB/apoA were calculated. Results: Low birth weight was associated with higher levels of TC, LDLc, apoB, Lp(a), TC-HDLc, TC/HDLc and apoB/apoA in males with the APOE epsilon 3 epsilon 4 genotype, whereas in females, it was associated with lower HDLc and higher TG levels. In males with the APOC3 S1/S2 genotype, low birth weight was associated with lower apoA and higher Lp(a), yet this association was not observed in females. There were no associations between low birth weight and blood lipids in any of the PPAR gamma 2 genotypes. Conclusion: The results indicate that low birth weight has a deleterious influence on lipid profile particularly in adolescents with the APOE epsilon 3/epsilon 4 genotype. These findings suggest that intrauterine environment interact with the genetic background affecting the lipid profile in later life.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS PI021830), the Spanish Ministry of Health, FEDER-FSE funds FIS n 00/0015, CSD grants 05/UPB32/0, 109/UPB31/03 and 13/UPB20/04, Ministerio de Educación (AP-2004-2745; EX2007-1124

    Non-destructive Techniques Methodologies for the Detection of Ancient Structures under Heritage Buildings

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    [EN] Structures and elements buried beneath heritage buildings are frequent but are often unknown and inaccessible. Therefore, they are difficult to locate in general if an archaeological excavation is not carried out, with the economic cost and time involved. It is important to discover them in order to increase our knowledge of cultural heritage, as well as to know, recover and improve the state of conservation of the materials that make up these structures. This paper presents methodologies for locating old structures using a low-cost NDT approach, with a qualitative and quantitative analysis of GPR profiles in heritage buildings. Small perforations are performed at critical points and introducing an endoscope for verification. Various crypts have been located using the proposed methodologies in a real study case: The Church of the Asución of Llíria in Spain.Gil Benso, E.; Mas Tomas, MDLA.; Lerma Elvira, C.; Torner, ME.; Vercher Sanchis, J. (2021). Non-destructive Techniques Methodologies for the Detection of Ancient Structures under Heritage Buildings. International journal of architectural heritage (electronic). 15(10):1457-1473. https://doi.org/10.1080/15583058.2019.1700320S14571473151